Harris County MUD 49 would like to thank our community for coming out and braving the much-needed rain to make National Night Out 2023 a big success. A special thank you to our first responders with Harris County Sheriff’s Office and Eastex Fire Department who were connecting with residents and offering safety tips!
Three of our board members, Kermit Fisher, Andrias Lowe, and Alicia Worthy, came out to share information about our Water Smart program as well as answer any questions about the MUD and its upcoming Bond Authorization Election during the event.
“I believe in transparency, and it was great to talk to so many community members about what the district was doing to serve our community,” said Board President Kermit Fisher
If you missed the event and would like more information about the Water Smart program or the information shared about the Bond Authorization Election, you can find out more on the main page of our website (www.hcmud49.org) or plan on attending one of the two Community Education events scheduled for Tuesday, October 17th at the Timberhills Community Center and Tuesday, October 24th the Clubhouse at Fall Creek.